Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Why is travelling is so important?

What is Travelling?

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Travelling helps you to explore & get off your fears. Travelling helps you explore your inner self & helps in healing from the past because you tend to meet people from different places with different stories. Travelling helps in managing difficulties.

Why is travelling is so important in our life?

 Everyone has their very own reason to travel

.  Some people travel for work, some travel for pleasure while for others  it is just a way of life. They travel to live and to escape at the same  time.

exploring different cultures but is also about exploring self.
Travel , helps us to spend time with friends, family and sometimes gives us 'ME' time. Its a great way to understand what about life we like the most.
Traveling is a great way to experience a new world but also pushes you out of your comfort zone , teaches you to be self-dependent and also makes us learn how to handle situations, travel also helps in building pleasant and beautiful memories which later can bring a smile on your face.
What Does Travel Mean To me?
Travel to me is a freedom from daily life regular people. When I travel I get a chance to meet of different culture and religions which help in understanding their views. The more I travel the more I become greedy to visit different places. I find myself very close I come alive when I move, I come more alive when I’m going to a place I’ve never been before and even more alive when that place is farther or a new country, states, places or continent. It is a mix of moving a new that I call travelling. For me it’s mostly an experience of the senses… the very first thing I notice when I land in a new place is a mood, an atmosphere … then it starts getting more concrete, for the eyes or for the mind and so on.

Follow me on:

Instagram_  @nishkajainn
Twitter_ @eyenishkajain


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